What We Do

"A child, when it begins to speak, learns what it is that it knows."

Bandhutva would like to bring to your attention that 40% of India’s population is under the age of 18, making up a staggering 400 million children—the largest child population in the world. We see this as a tremendous opportunity to uplift our nation by nurturing these young minds and creating an “Empowered Society” from this potential. However, the implications of this reality depend heavily on the context in which it is viewed.


Build a strong connection with the local community to raise awareness about the importance of education and Bandhutva's initiatives.


Organize community meetings, workshops, and awareness drives focusing on the benefits of education, especially for marginalized groups.


Increased community support, higher enrollment rates, and a deeper understanding of the value of education among parents and guardians.

What We offer

Though the number of enrollments, schools, and teachers has risen significantly in recent years, the quality of education has either stagnated or declined. For instance, the proportion of children in Class 5 who can read a Class 2 level text has dropped by nearly 15% since 2005. Similarly, the percentage of students in Class 8 who can perform basic division has decreased by almost 23% over the same period. This paints a concerning picture of the current state of education. One major reason for this lack of improvement is the imbalance between debate and action. At Bandhutva, we are committed to turning this debate into meaningful action.


Your Support Matters

Your support for Bandhutva empowers children, teachers, families, and communities by providing the necessary infrastructure, training, tools, and services for better education. With your help, we can offer:

  • Child Education


    Your Support Matters

    Operational Areas:

    Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Himachal, Rajasthan, Haryana Punjab 

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